Is it possible to find hope?

“The great moral powers of the soul are faith, hope, and love.”

- Ellen G. White

When I was a young girl, my mother and father would bestow upon me wisdoms that my grandparents had given them. At the time, I thought these teachings were silly, but as I grew into adulthood, I realized that their words gave me hope and light.  

It’s said, “If you don’t have hope, you have nothing.” Now more than ever, we are all looking for hope in these unprecedented times. But how do we find it? Here’s the good news – anything can be a miracle or an opportunity. You just need to choose to see it that way.

My mother used to say, “Sometimes you have to face the rain to see the rainbow in life, girl.” That was her eloquent way of teaching me that there would be times and situations that wouldn’t be pleasant, but that’s part of life. So prophetic, so practical, and so true. 

Life through the lens of hope changes everything. Even when we are in the turbulence of difficult times, faced by adversities, or like now in the middle of a pandemic – having hope sees us through. Believe me. I know first-hand. My life has had its share of dark times. 

When we are faced with a difficult situation, we always have the choice of two reactions: hope or fear. Fear lives in the past and the unknown future. Hope lives in the present. Hope gives you the wisdom that you will be okay. When you choose hope, your mind and heart opens, and you begin to imagine other possibilities. 

So, the unknown, the looming disaster, or the huge setback transforms – it actually becomes the thing that nudges you forward. 

Whatever uncertain times you may be facing in your life, know that hope awaits you. It’s the rainbow on the other side of the rain. 

With light, 


WellFlight 2025

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